36 inch Super Austenitic Stainless steel piping
Transheat scope
Perform a static and dynamic piping stress analysis of a 36 inch AL6XN piping connecting a vessel and a heat exchanger with a circulation pump in-between. The circulation pump is mounted only on the piping flanges and does not have a rigid foundation. Hence, dynaimic analysis is also performed.
All design documents reviewed by : GE Water, Bangalore, India.
All design documents reviewed by : PDVSA, Venezuela and ASME AI.
Major design attributes
- Pipe size : 36 inch
- Material : AL6XN Super Austenitic Stainless Steel
- Motor rating of circulation pump : 132 kW
- Weight of pump and motor assembly = 2500 kg.
- No foundation for the pump and motor assembly.
- Entire system suspended on piping flanges and hanger supports.
- Analysis as per ASME B31.3
- Short piping layout coupled with the bigger pipe size lead to higher loads on connected equipment.
As an additional scope, Transheat also did the FEA of the connected equipment for the higher nozzle loads.