CFD analysis – Radiator plates in a transformer system
Transheat scope
CFD analysis setup, boundary conditions, the input parameters, analysis outputs and comparison of performance results between the two radiator plate models – 7 flute and 9 flute designs, both with 1000 mm center distance between top and bottom headers. All analysis is done considering mineral oil as the heat transfer fluid. Oil flow inside the header and radiator plates is by natural circulation only (no pumps). Air flow outside the radiator plates is also by natural circulation only (no fans). Comparison of the performance predicted by CFD analysis and the performance as per experimental data for the 7 flute design
Installation in : For a radiator manufacturer in India.
All design documents reviewed by : PDVSA, Venezuela and ASME AI.
Major design attributes
- Variation in physical properties of fluids considered for analysis.
- Simulation for natural convection flow and temperature profile.
- Tank (or mineral oil reservoir) modelled as per the client data.